home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 8/13/2007:
- - Update: _IE.au3 version 2.3.1 (DaleHohm)
- 7/9/2007:
- - Fixed: _SoundSeek now works with filenames. (RazerM)
- - Fixed: _Sound functions work with filenames that have spaces. (RazerM)
- - fixed a little bug in the version comparison procedure and updated the included SQLite dll to 3.4.0. (Piccaso)
- - Change _ReplaceStringInFile() to update the original file in stead of replacing it. (JdeB)
- 7/4/2007:
- - Added _DateToMonth UDF to Date.au3. (exodius)
- - Added Optional: Handle of owner window to _ChooseColor andf ChooseFont. (gafrost)
- - Added _IEGetObjByID to IE.au3 (DaleHohm)
- - Fixed _IEPropertyGet() directives appversion and appminorversion (Dale Hohm)
- - Fixed _IELoadWait to trap ClientDisconnected Com errors (DaleHohm)
- - Fixed and enhanced web links in _IE_Introduction('basic') (DaleHohm)
- - Several updates to IE.au3 documentation and examples (DaleHohm)
- - Total rewrite of _ArrayDisplay with more options. (randallc)
- (5/2/2007)
- - Several GUI Include file changed due to removal of Struct-EndStruct for the time being. (gafrost)
- - Added helper UDF _GetClassName() to Misc.au3. (gafrost)
- (4/24/2007)
- - Several GUI Include file fixed of reportd issues for UNICODE support. (gafrost)
- - Added Word.au3 containing the well known Word UDF's... thanks Bob. (Big_Daddy)
- - Updated Memory.au3 that allows UDFs to live in harmony the ones from Auto3Lib. (gafrost/paulIA)
- (29 March 2007)
- - Fixed _DateIsValid function to properly check the time component.
- (16 December 2006)
- - Updated GUIList.au3/GUIListView/GUIStatusBar functions to free memory if there is an error. (gafrost)
- - Updated GUIEdit.au3 Condensed code utilizing _SendMessage. (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlEditGetLine function to GUIEdit.au3. (gafrost)
- - Added EditConstants.au3. (gafrost)
- - Update: rewrite for _PathFull() that adds some functionality,
- fixing some bugs and incresaing performance tremendously. (tittoproject,Valik)
- - Updated IE.au3 v2.1.0 see header of the include file
- (23 November 2006)
- - Added _TCPIpToName to INET.AU3. (piccaso)
- - Updated _ArraySearch() to Start/End/Case and Partial search.(gcriaco)
- - Updated/Cleaned up/Consolidated code in the GuiListView.au3 now works with System Controls. (gafrost)
- - Updated/Cleaned up/Consolidated code in GuiList.au3 (gafrost)
- - Updated/Cleaned up/Consolidated code in GuiStatusBar.au3 and updated Examples.(gafrost)
- - Added Memory.au3 which is used in both the above includes (gafrost)
- - _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText.au3 example is now 2 examples in 1 (gafrost)
- (28 October 2006)
- - Added __StringAddComma and _StringBetween to String.au3. (SmOke_N)
- - Fixed _ChooseFont. (gafrost)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress ;It doesn't work on simple mode statusbar
- - Fixed _FileListToArray doc example. (Thanks Frank60)
- (13 October 2006)
- - Added _GUICtrlListViewEnsureVisible. (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress. (gafrost)
- - Updated _GUICtrlTreeViewSetState. (gafrost)
- - Fixed _SendMessage Doc for Helpfile. (jdeb)
- - Added _GUICtrlListViewFindItem. (gafrost)
- (8 October 2006)
- - Added _SQLlite UDFS in SQLite.au3. (piccaso)
- - Added _SendMessage to Misc.au3. (Valik/gafrost)
- (22 September 2006)
- - Added 2 UDF's to GUIStatusBar.au3. (gafrost)
- - Several updates to GUIStatusBar.au3. (gafrost)
- - Several updates to Sound.au3. (RazerM)
- (7 September 2006)
- - Added 2 UDF's to GUIStatusBar.au3. (gafrost)
- - Added GuiIPAddress.au3 to Include directory. (gafrost)
- - Added Sound.au3 with several sound UDFs to Include directory. (RazerM)
- - removed the version numbers from the include files.
- 1.66 (17 July 2006)
- - Changed _FilesListToArray(): Added @error 4 meaning no files found. (gafrost)
- - Gui Function general cleanup (gafrost)
- - Changed: Constants seperated out into seperate files. (Valik)
- - Changed: GUIConstants.au3 is now a stub including pretty much everything (Use GUIConstantsEx.au3 and the
- other *Constants.au3 files for more granularity). (Valik)
- - Updated several Helpfile pages for ie.au3. (Big_Daddy)
- - Updated several functions in visa.au3. (Angel)
- - Fixed : _viPrintf and _viExecCommand would not work with certain GPIB cards (such as USB-GPIB cards).
- Changed use of the VISA command "viWrite" method to be more generic (thanks John Herrington for the tip).
- - Added : Additional OPTIONAL parameter for _viPrintf and _viExecComand. Controls command send mode
- and terminator. Default value is "Use @LF terminator".
- - Updated : _viPrintf and _ViExecCommand append an @LF to every VISA command by default.
- This can be changed by means of a new optional parameter.
- - Updated : _viPrintf and _ViExecCommand do not "protect" for escape characters anymore by default.
- That causes problems with some GPIB cards. It is possible to go back to the original behaviour
- by setting the new optional parameter $s_mode to "str".
- 1.65 (6 July 2006)
- - Added IE.au3 with all its well known Functions. Big Thanks to DaleHohm and Big_Daddy. (DaleHohm,Big_Daddy)
- - Changed _InetSmtpMail(), change initial connection logic. (Neil)
- - Fixed _TicksToTime() StringIsInt() problem. (JdeB)
- - Fixed Bug in _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText on return if a subitem is empty. (gafrost)
- 1.64 (27 June 2006)
- - Updated _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText: removed $v_ret variable to avoid au3check errors. (gafrost)
- - Updated _GUIListView: Some bugfixes and Helpfile correction. (gafrost)
- - Updated _GUIListView: Found a way I can live with the -1 being in the _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText
- and _GUICtrlListViewGetItemTextArray for using selected index in the function calls. (gafrost)
- 1.63 (19 June 2006)
- - Updated _DateTimeFormat() to use a default template when registry entries are missing
- Like in Win9x/WinME for SLongDate.
- - GuiListView updated .This update will possible break scripts. (gafrost)
- Replaced ControlListView calls (will no longer need window title/text in params).
- Functions updated to reflect new params.
- Examples updated for consistancy.
- Templates updated as needed.
- - _ArrayBinarySearch: (JdeB)
- removed check for more than 1 entry to allow the use of this UDF on arrays with one entry.
- 1.62 (2 June 2006)
- - Fixed _ClipPutFile() example include statement. (RazerM)
- - Doc Fixes:
- _GUICtrlListViewEnsureVisible. (gafrost)
- _FileReadToArray. (CyberSlug)
- _ Fixed _Now() which was returning "tt" at the end (JdeB)
- 1.61 (23 May 2006)
- - Fixed _GuiCtrlListViewSort() avoiding insert/removal of spaces. (gafrost)
- - Changed test in _DateIsValid() test from <1900 to <1000 to allow
- a startdate of 1600 used for UTC calculations. (JdeB)
- - Changed _GUICtrlListViewSort. (JPM)
- - Added _ClipPutFile() to misc.au3. (Piccaso)
- - Updated _GUICtrlListViewSetItemSelState, added an optional focus state parameter. (gafrost)
- 1.60 (28 April 2006)
- - Updated _GuiCtrlStatusBarResize example. (gafrost)
- - Added 2 variables to GuiStatusBar.au3. (gafrost)
- - Fixed typo in _ArraySort. (Knight)
- 1.59 (20 April 2006)
- - Updated _ProcessGetPriority to use 0x0400. (Valik)
- - Added _GUICtrlEditSetRECT to GuiEdit.au3. (gafrost)
- - Updated Email addresses in UDF's to avoid retrieval by search engines. (JPM)
- 1.58 (6 April 2006
- - updated _ProcessGetPriority() to accept either a name or PID argument. (Valik)
- - Fixed bug in _FileWriteLine() insert mode not inserting new line. (sasdad)
- 1.57 (19 March 2006
- - Updated : GUICtrlTreeView
- * Changed _GUICtrlTreeViewExpand (Parent GUI handle no longer needed) (Holger)
- * Renamed _GUICtrlTreeViewItemGetTree to _GUICtrlTreeViewGetTree !!! (Holger)
- * Added _GUICtrlTreeViewGetState (Holger)
- * Added _GUICtrlTreeViewGetText (Holger)
- * Added _GUICtrlTreeViewInsertItem (Holger)
- * Added _GUICtrlTreeViewSetIcon (Holger)
- * Added _GUICtrlTreeViewSetState (Holger)
- * Added _GUICtrlTreeViewSetText (Holger)
- 1.56 (15 March 2006)
- - Updated _GUICtrlListViewSort Helpfile example. (gafrost)
- - Updated _GUICtrlCombo examples updated to proper height. (gafrost)
- - Updated GUIComboau3. Added #include <GUIConstants.au3>. (andyswarbs)
- 1.55 (2 March 2006)
- - Updated INetSmtpMail(),allow the "EHLO" to be send. (JPM)
- - Added Attribute to _GUICtrlComboAddDir, _GUICtrlListAddDir. (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnHeaderText() to GuiListView. (gafrost)
- 1.54 (23 February 2006)
- - Added _GuiCtrlEditFind to GUIEDIT.AU3: - Find/Replace text in an Edit control. (gafrost)
- - Added _FileWriteToLine to FILE.AU3: Writes text to a specific line in a file. (cdkid)
- 1.53 (16 February 2006)
- - Fixed _GuiCtrlListViewDeleteItem: Listview items can't be deleted after sorting. (gafrost)
- 1.52 (8 February 2006)
- - Fixed typo in _ArraySearch Helpfile. (theguy0000)
- - Fixed _ArraySort Local $t decleration. (gafrost)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlComboAutoComplete() move Variable definitions to the stat of the function. (gafrost)
- - Fixed _GuiCtrlStatusBarCreate : corrected variable declarations in the function. (gafrost)
- 1.51 (3 February 2006)
- - Changed _InetGetSource to return "" when error occurs. (erebus)
- - Changed Dim to Local in GuiStatusBar.au3. (Jdeb)
- - Change _GuiCtrlStatusBarSetIcon that will allow removing the icon from normal status bar. (gafrost)
- - Added version at the top of each UDF file.
- 1.50 (20 January 2006)
- - Added _GUIStatusBar.au3 UDF's. (gafrost, rysiora, JdeB, tonedef, eltorro)
- - Added _GUICtrlComboGetList to GUICombo.au3 which retrieves all items in a combobox (Valik)
- - Fixed _INetSmtpMail() paramater variable name. (JPM)
- 1.49 (17 January 2006)
- - Fixed bug in _ArrayPush() when Direction 1 is specified. (AnnA)
- - Helpfile _ArraySearch example corrected. (Valuater)
- - Removed obsolete parameters from _GUICtrlTreeViewSelectItem(), Scripts need updating! (JdeB)
- - Fixed : _INetSmtpMail() (by JPM). (Thanks Wooltown, MikeOsdx)
- - Updated all UDFs to get rid of any Errors from Au3Check v 1.50 will All checks enabled.
- - Updated _ArrayDisplay() added Const to Byref of the first parameter. (Valik)
- - Fixed bug in _PathFull when using root of a drive. (Valik)
- 1.48 (7 January 2006)
- - Fixed : _PathFull() 2 bugs. (by Valik)
- - Fixed : _INetSmtpMail() @error 5 (by JPM). (Thanks Wooltown, MikeOsdx)
- - Fixed : _StringEncrypt error return. (Thanks JerryD)
- 1.47 (30 December 2005)
- - Fixed _DateTimeFormat() to return LongTime notation for $sType=0 as specified in the Helpfile. (JdeB)
- - Made Subject and Body optional in _InetSmtpMail(). (PartyPooper)
- 1.46 (21 December 2005)
- - Fixed doc for _FileReadToArray(). (LxP)
- - Fixed doc and Example for _ArraySearch. (Knight)
- - Fixed _ArraySearch return value in case not found to -1. (SolidSnake)
- - Added _InetSmtpMail to Inet.au3. (Walkabout)
- 1.45 (2 December 2005)
- - Fixed _PathSplit(). Changed Dim $array[5] to Local $array[5]. (LxP)
- - Updated _InetGetSource(), Remove stripping last character in return string. (w0uter)
- - Fixed return value in _GUICtrlTreeViewDeleteItem when item id passed in. (gafrost)
- - Updated GUI UDFs: Update Includes and Templates for use with external controls
- Meaning controlID for autoit control, control hWnd for external control
- Also replace all Dim statements with Local. (gafrost)
- 1.44 (25 November 2005)
- - Fixed _ReplaceStringInFile to avoid adding CRLF when missing at the EOF. (JdeB)
- - Added _ProcessGetName to Process.au3. (Erifash)
- 1.43 (18 November 2005)
- - Fixed _DateAdd() Typo's in helpfile. (Gene)
- - Updated _INetMail() with new logic to support environment variables. (JPM)
- - Updated _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItemsSelected() with Test for Array. (CatchFish)
- - Added a Constant to GUIList.au3 and changed all examples. (gafrost)
- 1.42 (2 November 2005)
- - Updated _ArrayToString documentation, changed parameter order. (Josbe)
- - Updated _FileList2Array: removed checking for "." and ".." from the return from FileFindNextFile(). (SolidSnake)
- - Added _SetDate and _SetTime to Date.au3. (/dev/null)
- - Added _StringInsert to String.au3. (Celeri)
- - Fixed bug in the _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItem. (gafrost)
- 1.41 (10 October 2005)
- - Fixed BUG in _ReplaceStringInFile() always replacing multiple occurences on a single line. (Wooltown/LxP)
- - Added _GUICtrlListSelectIndex to GuiList.au3 for single select listbox's. (gafrost)
- 1.40 (5 October 2005)
- - Fixed error in _ArrayToString example. (/dev/null)
- - Changed _WeekNumberISO() to return the proper ISO weeknr.
- Also removed startday parameter because ISO weeks always starts on Monday. (jdeb)
- - Added _DateToDayOfWeekISO which retruns the ISO day number. 0=Monday - 6= Sunday (jdeb)
- - Fixed bug in _GUICtrlListViewDeleteAllItems. (gafrost)
- 1.39 (27 September 2005)
- - Updated _InetGetSource. (w0uter)
- 1.38 (26 September 2005)
- - Fixed GUICtrlTreeViewDeleteItem() selection logic. (gafrost)
- - Fixed GUICtrlTreeViewSelectItem() but removed Helpfile info because function is obsolete. (gafrost)
- 1.37 (20 September 2005)
- - Added _FileWriteFromArray() to file.au3. (jdeb)
- - Updated _InetGetSource. (w0uter)
- - Updated _TempFile with optional parameters. (hansh)
- - Fixed documentation for _FileListToArray. (mlazovjp/Dickb)
- - Some code optimization changes: GuiList, GuiTreeView, GuiEdit (gafrost)
- - Fixed logic issue with _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnOrder and _GUICtrlComboGetEditSel. (jdeb)
- - Fixed a few minor documentation issues.
- 1.36 (5 September 2005)
- - Updated _DateTimeFormat: Added option 5 which returns time in 24 hour HH:MM:SS format. (jdeb)
- - Updated _NowTime: Added optional parameter to select the return format. (jdeb)
- - Fixed Documentation _MouseTrap() (JPM)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlTreeViewDeleteItem bug in delete of item after adding child items. (gafrost)
- - Updated _StringToHex() and _HexToString() error testing. (JPM)
- - Updated Doc return Value formating. (JPM)
- 1.35 (31 August 2005)
- - Fixed _IsPressed Example. (gafrost)
- 1.34 (30 August 2005)
- - Fixed _ArraySearch example to point to Array.au3.
- - Updated _IsPressed Added optional param to function for those that will use
- the function heavily they can pass a handle to the function for the dll. (gafrost/w0uter)
- 1.33 (28 August 2005)
- - Updated _ProcessGetPriority script logic and fixed example. (MSLx Fanboy)
- 1.32 (28 August 2005)
- - Updated _ProcessGetPriority script logic. (MSLx Fanboy)
- - Added _IsPressed (Ezzetabi/Jon)
- - Updated Corrected return value for _MouseTrap if no params passed. (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlComboAutoComplete (gafrost)
- - Restored correct example for _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText (jdeb)
- - Added _ArrayPush to Array.au3 (hgeras)
- - Added _ArraySearch to Array.au3 (SolidSnake)
- - Added _ReplaceStringInFile to File.au3 (\dev\null)
- 1.31 (13 August 2005)
- - Updated _PathMake and _PathSplit documentation.
- - Updated _MouseTrap (gafrost)
- - Updated _GUICtrlEditScroll: Added $SB_SCROLLCARET - Scrolls the caret into view. (gafrost)
- - Added _ProcessGetPriority to Process.au3 (MSLx Fanboy)
- - Added _FilePrint to File.au3 (Erifash)
- 1.30 (11 August 2005)
- - Fixed _DayValueToDate() to return Day and Month in the proper format.
- - Fixed _DateTimeFormat() to return HH:MM in proper 24 hour notation for $sType=0.
- 1.29 (5 August 2005)
- - Added _GUICtrlListViewCopyItems to GUIListView.au3. (gafrost)
- - Fixed source/documentation _INetGetSource
- - Added _MouseTrap to Misc.au3. (gafrost)
- - Fixed _GetIP and _RunDOS doc. (gafrost)
- - Added _Singleton to Misc.au3.
- - Fixed _GUICtrlListViewSort if no items in listview. (gafrost)
- 1.28 (19 July 2005)
- - Fixed _INetGetSource.au3 example (W0uter)
- - Fixed _FileReadToArray(): added StringStripCR to avoid @CR characters in the Array values. (jdeb)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItemsSelected was not working correctly (gafrost)
- 1.27 (17 July 2005)
- - Added _Radian() and _Degree() to Math.au3 (Erifash)
- - Added _FileList2Array.au3 to File.au3 (Solid)
- - Added _INetGetSource.au3 to Inet.au3 (W0uter)
- - Fixed documentation for _ArraySort() (jdeb)
- 1.26 (15 July 2005)
- - Bug Fixed: _GUICtrlListViewGetNextItem. (gafrost)
- 1.25 (14 July 2005)
- - Bug Fixed: _GUICtrlListViewDeleteAllItems and _GUICtrlListViewDeleteItem
- when _GUICtrlListViewInsertItem used to populate the ListView. (gafrost)
- 1.24 (13 July 2005)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlListViewGetNextItem.au3 example (gafrost)
- - Fixed _DateIsValid Documentation and Example.
- 1.23 (07 July 2005)
- - Updated _TimetoTicks: Made parameters optional defaulting to current time (slimshady)
- - Corrected Example for _GUICtrlTreeViewGetParentHandle (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlTreeViewGetParentID to GuiTreeView (gafrost)
- 1.22 (05 July 2005)
- - Fixed variables already declared in examples for _GUICtrlTreeView??? (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlTreeViewGetParentHandle (gafrost)
- - Fixed variables already declared in string.au3 (jdeb)
- 1.21 (22 June 2005)
- - Fixed Dim for $h_Tree in _GUICtrlTreeViewItemGetTree. (gafrost)
- - Added variable passed in to _GUICtrlTreeViewItemGetTree
- and changed example to refelect this change for seperator char. (gafrost)
- 1.20 (20 June 2005)
- - Removed the following functions from GuiListView.au3: (gafrost)
- _GUICtrlListViewSetBkColor
- _GUICtrlListViewSetTextBkColor
- _GUICtrlListViewSetTextColorFixed
- - Fixed _GUICtrlTreeViewDeleteItem() to deleted more than 2 levels deep. (gafrost)
- - Added GUICtrlTreeView.au3 UDF's (gafrost)
- 1.19 (10 June 2005)
- - Fixed some merge issues.
- 1.18 (9 June 2005)
- - Fixed descending sort issue in multi dimension arrays.
- - Fixed _GUICtrlListViewSort() top handle numeric values correctly. (gafrost)
- - Renamed _GUICtrlListViewGetColumnOrderArray to _GUICtrlListViewGetColumnOrder
- Also corrected documentation for _GUICtrlListViewGetColumnOrder.
- Returns a "|" delimited string instead of an array, now matches
- the _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnOrder in the data type. (gafrost)
- 1.17 (6 June 2005)
- - Added _GUICtrlSliderGetPos functions in GUISlider.au3 (gafrost)
- - Fixed _ArraySort lockup Bug.
- 1.16 (2 June 2005)
- - Fixed _ArraySort to cope with Mixed values and string entries.
- - Added _GUISlider??? functions in GUISlider.au3 (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlListViewInsertColumn, _GUICtrlListViewInsertItem, _GUICtrlListViewJustifyColumn
- _GUICtrlListViewSetColumnOrder, _GuiCtrlListViewSetItemCount, _GUICtrlListViewSort (gafrost)
- 1.15 (24 May 2005)
- - Added 2 Functions to GuiListView.au3: _GUICtrlListViewSetItemSelState and
- _GUICtrlListViewSetItemText (gafrost)
- - Fixed typo in _GUICtrlListViewGetExtendedListViewStyle helppage.
- - Fixed typo in _ViClose helppage.
- 1.14 (21 May 2005)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlListGetSelItems: returned array, was an array of string numbers
- now an array of numbers. (gafrost)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedIndices returned array, was an array of
- string numbers now an array of numbers. (gafrost)
- - Updated _GUICtrlListSetHorizontalExtent documentation. (gafrost)
- 1.13 (19 May 2005)
- - Added _GUICtrlListViewSetCheckState (gafrost)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlListViewGetCurSel: If more than 1 item in listview had same data was returning
- the index of the 1st instance, now correctly returns the index of item selected. (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlMonthCal???? function located in GuiMonthCal.au3 (gafrost)
- 1.12 (12 May 2005)
- - Added _GUICtrlListViewGetCheckedState to GuiListView. (gafrost)
- - Update several Helpfile pages for the _GUI?? functions. (gafrost)
- - Update _ChooseColor. (gafrost)
- - Updated _Now(),_NowDate(), _NowTime that it defauts to mm/dd/yyyy and hh:mm:ss when the
- pc's format isn't found in the registry (Win9X).
- 1.11 (8 May 2005)
- - Added GuiEdit.au3 which has a number of _GUIEdit??? functions for Edit controls. (gafrost)
- - Updated _ChooseColor, _ChooseFont and _GUI??? function due to DllStruct renaming. (gafrost)
- - Corrected wParam to variable name in _GUICtrlEditLineIndex.txt (gafrost)
- - Fixed example and include for $CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT (gafrost)
- - Type-0 in Example: _GUICtrlComboGetEditSel.au3 (gafrost)
- 1.10 (3 May 2005)
- - Fixed _GUICtrlComboSetHorizontalExtent.txt (gafrost)
- - Added _ChooseColor and _ChooseFont to Misc.au3 (gafrost)
- 1.09 (1 May 2005)
- - Added _GUITab Functions located in GuiTab.au3. (gafrost)
- 1.08 (28 April 2005)
- - Fixed Example for _TickstoTime.au3.
- - Fixed Fixed _ArrayTrim(): $iTrimDirection test.
- 1.07 (27 April 2005)
- - Renamed All Functions:_GUICtrlComBoBox to _GUICtrlComBo and _GUICtrlListBox to _GUICtrlList (gafrost)
- - Fixed _DateSplit(), Fix another issue that was introduced with previous fix.
- - Fixed _DateDaysInMonth.au3 example , @Year and @Mon were swapped.
- - Fixed _DateToDayOfWeek.au3, contained a syntax error.
- 1.06 (26 April 2005)
- - Added _GUICtrlListView functions in GuiListView.au3. (gafrost)
- - Updated _GUICtrlComBoBox & _GUICtrlListBox Documentation and Functions. (gafrost)
- - Fixed _DateSplit(), adding seconds when missing in the input.
- 1.05 (24 April 2005)
- - Added _GUICtrlComBoBox functions in GuiComboBox.au3. (gafrost)
- - Added _GUICtrlListBox functions in GuiListBox.au3. (gafrost)
- - Replaced _ArraySort() with faster version from LazyCoder/Tylo
- - Fixed _GetIp() to work with the new page layout.
- - Added _PathFull(), _PathMake() and _PathSplit() to File.au3.
- 1.04 (25 February 2005)
- - Fixed _ArrayMaxIndex() and _ArrayMinIndex() to set to proper initial value.
- - Fixed _ArraySort() issue with only 2 entries not being sorted.
- - Fixed documentation and example for _ArrayToString()
- - Fixed DateAdd() line 84: change == to =
- - Updated DateSplit() to convert date/time portion to number
- - Fixed VISA.au3 from Peppe.
- 1.03 (6 February 2005)
- *** Updated all documentation to follow the standard used in the helpfile.
- Array.au3:
- - Updated many Array Function with optional parameters like $iBase.(See helpfile for detail)
- - Updated a couple of Function to make use of the new Redim function.
- - Added: _ArraySort()
- - Added: _ArrayTrim()
- - Added: _ArrayCreate()
- Date.au3:
- - Added: _DateAdd, _DateDiff, _DateToDayValue, _DayValueToDate,
- _DateTimeFormat, _DayOfWeek, _DateIsValid,
- _Now(), Nowcalc(), Nowcalcdate(), _NowTime(),
- _NowDate(),_DaysInMonth()_DaysOfWeek()
- File.au3:
- - Removed: _DirRemoveContents , obsolete, replaced by FileDelete() internal command.
- - Removed: _FileAppend , obsolete, replaced by FileWriteLine("Filename",) internal command.
- - Updated: _FileCountLines with a faster version created by Tylo.
- - Added: _TempFile()
- Inet.au3
- - Added: _INetExplorerCapable, _INetMail, _GetIp
- Math.au3:
- - Added: _Ceil, _Floor, _MathCheckDiv, _MathCheckDiv
- Misc.au3:
- - Added: _Iif()
- Process.au3:
- - Updated: _RunDos because the default quotes gave problems in Win9x.
- String.au3:
- - Added: _StringProper(), _StringEncrypt(), _StringToHex(), HexToString()
- Visa.au3:
- - Added: _viExecCommand,_viOpen, _viClose, _viFindGpib, _viSetTimeout,
- _viSetAttribute, _viGTL, _viGpibBusReset
- 1.02 (27 February 2004)
- - Added: _FileCountLines(), _DirRemoveContents()
- - Added: _DateDaysInMonth()
- - Added: _DateIsValidMonthNum(), _DateIsValidWeekdayNum(), _DateIsValidYear()
- - Added: _TimeIsValidHour(), _TimeIsValidMinute(), _TimeIsValidSecond()
- - Added: Usage syntax now included for documentation
- - Added: Documentation updates
- - Changed: _FileReadToArray() so it executes faster
- - Changed: (Internal) Enhanced the way the date/time functions operate
- - Changed: (Internal) File functions now use new file read/write syntax
- - Fixed: _RunDOS() to support executing DOS commands with spaces in the command
- 1.01 (5 February 2004)
- - Added: _ColorGetRed(), _ColorGetGreen(), _ColorGetBlue()
- - Added: _RunDOS()
- - Fixed: _TicksToTime() and _TimeToTicks()
- 1.00 (21 January 2004)
- - Initial release